Our summer has arrived and with it increased growth and blooming of our cactus and succulents. We are enjoying the daily flower shows as well as the offsets we see peeking out from under “mom”. After several rains in early July, our plants are fat and robust.
After our fabulous field trip to Oregon, I thought that our local field trip to Bellevue, on the east side of Seattle might be a bit of a let down. However, we had a large turnout of folks eager to see what our local gardens have to offer. First we visited a demonstration garden at the Master Gardener’s locale in King County. Named for George Pinyuh, a local master gardener who had a passion for succulents, the garden was planted with a variety of plants tolerant of our droughty summers and sopping wet winters. Having seen this garden some years ago, I was astounded at the growth which has filled in most of the empty areas. With the sunshine, plants were in full color with a ruddy cast to them.

After a quick tailgate party of water and snacks, we headed off to Bellevue Botanical Garden to see the rock garden. Member George, who is also a member of the Rock Garden Society gave an excellent insider’s look at the gardens which have recently been refurbished. Apparently while we go to look at plants, children go to climb all over the rocks. Your imagination can fill in the result.

After a quick stop by the gift shop and coffee bar, we drove to member Denise’s home to see her outdoor plants as well as her indoor plants displayed on the picnic table. After walking through the yard and admiring succulents as well as trees and bushes, we arrived at the back yard where pleasant shaded sitting areas greeted us. We sank down to enjoy the ambiance and continue the conversations that started when we met at the first garden. The chatter would have gone on for some time had we not been interrupted by the early arrival of Denise’s first dinner guest for the evening. With quick thanks we scooted out and headed home to reflect in our cars about the wonderful afternoon of succulent camaraderie.

Denise has stepped up for two field trips in a row and knocked in a home run with both of them. Our club enjoys the efforts of many members who work behind the scenes to make our meetings worthwhile and enjoyable. While it’s a lot of work, there is the reward of much appreciation on the part of members.